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Evaluation Parameters

Required Evaluation Parameters

Name Type Description
leftKeys list[str] List of column names for the left features, typically text fields.
leftWeights list[str] List of weights for the left features.
rightKeys list[str] List of column names for the right features. The first field should be an image, and the others should be text fields.
rightWeights list[float] List of weights for the right features.

Optional Evaluation Parameters

Name Type Default value Description
batchSize int 64 Batch size.
contextLength int 77 Maximum number of tokens in the input text to train with.
numWorkers int 4 Number of data loader workers.
runQueriesCpu bool True Run queries in CPU (faster and less prone to GPU memory overflows).
topQ int 4000 The number of queries to sample from the input set. Must be between 1 and 20,000. If the specified value exceeds the number of unique queries in the dataset, it will be automatically adjusted to match the total unique queries available.
weightKey str marqtune__score The column name in the dataset that contains the score. Defaults to marqtune__score which is constant score value 1 for all rows.


evaluate_task_params = {
    "leftKeys": ["query"],
    "rightKeys": ["my_image", "my_text"],
    "leftWeights": [1],
    "rightWeights": [0.9, 0.1],
    "batchSize": 32,
    "numWorkers": 4,
    "contextLength": 77,
    "topQ": 2000,